OMG it’s been awhile since I’ve done any kind of update on all my hexies! I’ve spent some time in the last week to do a whole bunch of prepping of hexie insanity. I have a bag full of snack sized bags, and each one contains either all the pieces for a flower or a diamond. Everything is in the bag, hole punched hexie papers and the fabrics for each diamond/flower. Based on my spreadsheet I still have more to prep, but it will take me awhile to get through all of these! I just got a new shipment of 3/4″ hexies, needed another bag since I still have all the papers in all the diamonds. I’m waiting until they are all done before I start putting them together and pulling papers out.

As my OMG (One Monthly Goal) I said I wanted to get all the black pathways quilted – I’m not so sure I’m going to make it! I haven’t been able to spend ANY time working on it this month! I’m hoping I’ll have free time this weekend and I can get it done, because we’ll be heading out the following weekend for a vacation! I have some started, but I can’t even tell how much is completed, I know it’s not halfway, I didn’t spend that much time working on it in April before I had to switch and make the quilt for Alex’s teacher. I’m still trying to decide how I’m going to quilt the diamonds, any one have an idea?? There’s also some half diamonds on the sides that will need to be figured out too!
Ok, I needed ANOTHER EPP project like I need a hole in my head, BUT I decided to participate in the #EPPParty on Instagram. Blocks are posted every 2 weeks on Mister Domestic and Pat Bravo’s sites. Block 1 is made up of all hexies – 68 of them to be exact. I’m still basting mine but those are easy to do. I opted to not worry about those now and move on to block 2 that was released on Monday. It’s using triangles and squares to create a block. I’m almost halfway done stitching it together, the picture is all the pieces layed out so I knew everything was in the right place. I’m hoping I can finish it tonight while I watch the Cavs beat Boston! ๐ Since I was already ordering from, I decieded to get the papers for the first 6 blocks. Makes it a lot easier than having to cut them out yourself!
Still working on Dear Jane EPP, I don’t have anything new to show yet.
Sarah (over at made a suggestion for a temperature quilt using hexies. What an awesome idea! Maybe if I can get one of these other EPP projects finished I’d jump in and work on this too, right now I just can’t do it! Not enough time to work on all these projects!
Linking up to HeLP for Hexie-aholics!