I plan on doing some machine quilting today, but later tonight while the kids play and after they go to bed I will be relaxing in my chair working on more Dear Jane EPP blocks. Yesterday I finished up all the basting on Row B (except for the missing pieces on B6 that are being mailed) and I managed to finish 2 blocks last night while I caught up on shows with the hubby. I enjoy watching tv with him and being able to work on a project that means something to me. Right now it’s either Dear Jane EPP, hexie insanity or knitting – although I haven’t worked on any knitting in awhile!
I have a table runner to quilt, and I’m thinking of trying to stipple or meander – I did a little of it yesterday when I made a zipper pouch for Alex and I think I can make it look halfway decent. I also have to finish unpinning and rebasting a charity quilt that I started last week. I had it all the way basted and realized that it wasn’t lined up properly, the backing just wasn’t right. I’ll quilt that one with all straight lines because it doesn’t need anything more, it’s just a simple top!
Linking up to Slow Stitching Sunday.