Long Time No See….

Wow, I didn’t realize it had been so long! Let’s see if I can do a life update to explain before I get into the quilting.

Fall of 2022 (back to my last post) changed everything for us. My mom had some medical issues that she couldn’t come back from and ended up going to a nursing home for long term care as we couldn’t take care of her at home any more. All my free time was spent running out to see her multiple times a week along with helping dad out with things at the house. May of 2023, the week after Mother’s Day, she had multiple strokes which the doctors said there was nothing they could do to help her. May 22, 2023 she passed away and we had a lot of things to take care of. Lawyer, bank, cars, etc. It’s been hard to deal with mom not being here the last year, but she’s not hurting anymore and is at peace.

To add on top of the things going on with my mom, my lovely husband broke his leg in January. 2 surgeries and about 4 months later he was back on his feet with a cane and walking. Then over the summer we realized that when he fell and broke his leg he also damaged his shoulder. Surgery for that in October to repair 2 massive tears in his rotator cuff. 2023 was not a good year for our family!

I didn’t have a lot of mojo to quilt the rest of the year, I used to quilt with mom and my heart just wasn’t in it. Oh I still worked on EPP projects, but didn’t get anything close to a finish. I also picked up cross stitch again and spent evenings working on that when I didn’t want to work on EPP. At Christmas, hubby and I decided we weren’t getting each other gifts but did a weekend trip to Kalahari Indoor Water Park as a family gift from Santa instead. To my surprise he handed me a letter basically saying that due to him being home most of the year and not working as much (plus everything with mom) he realized that tomorrow is never guaranteed. We needed to enjoy life more. So he made me a promise that come 2024 we’d figure out how to get me the long arm I’ve been wanting for a REALLY long time. So, April of 2024 I purchased a Handiquilter Moxie XL, the 10′ frame and the overhead light bar. In order to have a place to put it I had to do some MAJOR cleaning in the basement – I had between 15-20 garbage bags, a few things that went on Facebook Marketplace and were sold and a lot of sorting! There’s still a little bit left to clean up and/or sell but the basement is now pretty usable. I also had to call an electrician and get a lot more (and better) lights and outlets in the basement. That turned out WAY better than I expected!

So since the beginning of May I’ve been quite busy working on finishing various quilts. 2 small ones that were donated to the guild community service group, 1 the kids stole almost immediately (waiting since 2013 for quilting), the Pokemon quilt (waiting since March 2020 for quilting) and Cassie’s bed quilt (currently finishing the binding and has only been waiting 2 years for quilting).

In addition to getting all these quilts finished in the last few months, I also got a few cross stitch projects finished. A new line of signs from Fat Quarter Shop that I loved but finished totally differently than they did – of course I quilted them and made them wall hangings for the doors! I finished 3 of them, I have to start working on the fall, Halloween and Christmas ones. I finally finished my quilt-o-logy and stitch-o-logy pieces, instead of buying the wooden spool, my dad made them for me out of wood from our backyard that he’s been making things for us for years. Of course I just realized I haven’t hung them up yet and I don’t remember where I put them after I showed them off at guild! I’ll have too look so I can hang them in my office/sewing room.

Today is the first day of summer break for the kids, they’ve accomplished so much in the last year and a half! Alex is doing great in middle school, Honors ELA and science (8th grade science in 7th grade!), and almost all A’s (a B+ in Honors science). Next year he takes 9th grade science in 8th grade and gets high school credit for it! Cassie is moving to 5th grade next year and is so smart it kills me! She’s been identified as gifted in math and ELA so that should continue into middle school like Alex with honors classes. I’m very proud of both my kids, even though Alex has surpassed my height at 13!

I’ll be around more, I have lots of things to finish and I think my mojo is finally back!

Wiggly Whimsy Finish, New Toys

Wiggly Whimsy TopYep I did it, I finished my Wiggly Whimsy top!  I ended up taking 2 different seams out and reattaching them.  Still have a couple of small puckers in one of the seams, but it won’t be noticable once it’s quilted.  Now I need to find a backing and get some batting so I can get it quilted.
2013-04-24 14.54.04I mentioned the other day that I had spent a little money to get some Accuquilt Go dies that I’ve been wanting. I got the 3″ finished half-square triangle to go with my signature die and a 2″ finished half-square triangle to go with my 2″ finished squares. Anyway, they arrived today!  I’ve already started playing with the 3″ HST and signature block dies.  I designed a quilt the other day in 2 colors in EQ and today while driving home from lunch started to think of colors I could use.  Top colorway?  Red, white and blue!  I figured I had enough red and blue scraps for the triangles and I was pretty sure I had white I could use for the signature part of the block.  I’ve already got 4 blocks done, took me maybe 10 minutes to cut and sew them together!  I LOVE how the dog ears are cut off when you use the dies.  Everything fits together so nicely and there is no guessing at all!  I think I’ll work on cutting as much of this out as I can today and maybe put it together tomorrow.  It will finish around 29″x33″ as it is designed right now, I haven’t thought about a border yet and I can always make more blocks and make it larger.  We’ll see what I decide.  Oh!  I also bought the Lil’ Twister template, I love the look of these quilts and I might be able to use a bunch of scraps to make up some easy quilts.  Hope to play with this soon too!

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2013-04-24 14.53.07So I’ve talked 5 brave souls at guild to do a block exchange.  Because none of the quilt shops in our area have the focus fabric that I wanted to use, I placed an order with Hancocks of Paducah and got enough for everyone (they are paying for their yardage!).  I really like the fabric and it’s just enough out of my comfort zone that it will be interesting to see what everyone does with it.  Since there are only a total of 6 people (that’s including me) if everyone does 2 12″ finished blocks it will be a decent sized quilt – around 38″ x 50″,  if it’s on point it’s around 40″ square.  Now I need to go shopping for some additional fabrics and do some designing to figure out what blocks I want to make.  I’m thinking one simple and one that is a little more complicated.

Well, I want to get back to playing with my new dies, so I’ll be back soon with an update!

Hexagon Diamonds Update

Hexagon Diamonds 4-21-13Well, I FINALLY got the 6th row added onto the main piece last night.  Waited until today to get the picture just because it was so late when I got the last piece added.  There’s only 7 more rows to add on to this and I’ve already pulled the baggies for the next row.  Of course while I was trying to get a picture this morning, Alex wanted to lay on it so I got a picture of him posing.  He was crawling all over it finding all the blue pieces of fabric – that’s 1 of 2 colors he can say.  He understands what the colors are, he just only says blue and black (this is new in the last week or so).
Hexagon Diamonds 4-21-13 - Alex
Hubby and I have been working to get our macs setup the way we want them (he got a new Macbook Pro last week).  We’ve been buying things we need for the machines or our network at home so I decided to buy a few things for myself too!  I ordered 2 dies for my Accuquilt Go, a 3″ finished half-square triangle and a 2″ finished half-square triangle.  The 3″ die is going to be used with my signature die, and the 2″ die is going to work quite nicely with my 2″ finished squares.  I have so many designs in my head I’d love to do and having the 2″ finished triangles and squares will take care of MOST of them!  I have 2 dies I’d love to have custom made, but they are each just under $100.  I wish I could get them done cheaper somewhere else, I just haven’t bothered looking yet to see if that is possible.  It’s on my large to-do list!

I fixed the row that was messed up on Wiggly Whimsy, but then realized I had another row that was messed up.  I took the stitching out of that row this morning and was hoping to sew it this afternoon, instead I’ve been working on my computer all day.  I hope to get it pinned tonight and I’ll probably sew it tomorrow.  Once Alex gets up from his nap, my sewing time is gone and he should be getting up in the next 45 minutes or so.

Can’t decide if I want to work on hexagons tonight or hand quilting.  Maybe I’ll do both!  We were at Home Depot last week and I wanted to see if they had 1/4″ blue painters tape and forgot to look.  I’m going to Target this week, maybe I’ll see if I can get some there.  Then I wouldn’t have to mark the hand quilting lines when I’m doing 1/4″ in a block.  Looks like Alex is up, and I haven’t pinned the pieces togther for Wiggly Whimsy, guess that’s on the list for tomorrow’s nap time!

Design Wall Monday – 04-15-13

2013-04-13 16.18.49I have decided to work on my hand quilting practice piece for awhile this past weekend in an effort to finish it and get my first hexagon quilt basted and in the hoop.  I’d like to have it ready to go before we start camping so I can work on it while we are gone.  If I can get the hexagon quilt completed this summer I can enter it into our guild quilt show in October!  I’ve been expirimenting with different marking pencils/markers and I think I like the disappearing ones best.  I don’t think I like all the chalk ones, hopefully they will come out of this since I started this using them.

I spent yesterday working on my Wiggly Whimsy quilt and I got all the rows put together.  I’m not posting a picture of it yet because I need to take part of it apart and resew it because I somehow managed to mess it up last night.  Hoping to get that taken apart tonight and put it back together tomorrow while Alex naps.  I really like how it looks and I’ve decided to finish it for Alex to use in his bed.  He’s starting to like sleeping with a blanket and he has to have one from momma!

2013-04-13 14.17.39I also finished up the last 2 diamonds I need for the next row in my hexagon diamonds quilt.  Hope to start putting them on in the next few days.  I’ve already pulled the baggies for the next row, so I have those to work on as well – prepping them to be sewn together.  I am beginning to think I was overly ambitious in wanting this quilt completed for our first camping trip.  So when I was out buying things we needed I found a nice blanket for our bed until I can get it completed. I can work on it while we are camping.

While I was putting the Wiggly Whimsy quilt together yesterday I was also working on the scrappy 9 patch quilt and putting the 4 patches together for the border.  Since that is a long term project and I’m in no hurry I don’t mind using it as a leader/ender project.  Of course while reading blog posts yesterday I saw a quilt on one of them that was all 9 patch blocks and solid squares set on point.  I spent a few minutes designing it in EQ and thinking about how I could do it with the fabrics I have.  It would look really cool as a 2 color quilt, but would also look nice scrappy.  I just have way too many ideas in my head!  I was perusing Pinterest today and saw directions on how to do a disappearing 4 patch block.  Oh did that look cool!  I have a ton of 4.5″ charms I cut from scraps with the value die on my Go that I could use to do this.  Maybe with black squares and scrappy squares?  I’ll have to see if I can figure out the best way to design it in EQ and play around with colors.

Hopefully I’ll be back soon with pictures of a completed Wiggly Whimsy top!

Wiggly Whimsy & Scrappy 9 patch

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I finally got another hexagon diamond finished, only 2 left and I can attach to the main piece.  I really like the colors I picked for this one, but I can’t stand the maroon fabric.  I don’t remember when I bought it or what I bought it for, but I really can’t wait until it’s gone.  It is really stiff and hard to work with, especially when working by hand.

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I decided to finish up the rows for Wiggly Whimsy.  I still need to iron them and put all 7 rows together, but at least these have been finished.  I really think I’m going to like this when it’s all put together.  Still haven’t decided what I’m going to do with it, or how I’m going to quilt it.  I might give it to Alex for his bed, he’s started wanting a blanket in bed lately.  I think it might fit in his toddler bed without being too huge.  We’ll have to see once it’s all put together though!

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While I worked on finishing up Wiggly Whimsy I pulled 2.5″ squares so I could start working on the scrappy 9 patch quilt.  I needed to cut more black squares with my Go, but that’s so easy and fast it really wasn’t a big deal.  I now have 120 twosies that need ironed so I can make the 4 patch blocks that make up the border.  I’ll need to cut more black squares for the 9 patches, but that can wait since I have the 4 patches to put together.  I’m thinking that I’ll work on this a little in the afternoons while Alex naps, along with putting Wiggly Whimsy together.  I can listen to the tv or a podcast while I work and time just flies.

Alex has finally hit the terrible twos and has little tantrums at stores, usually when I tell him no I’m not buying him something.  I’m at the point of ignoring him even though people are always looking at me because he’s screaming and crying.  All of a sudden he doesn’t want to nap, he plays in his room for hours until I finally let him out.  He’s locked his door twice in the last week, the first time I FREAKED out and had to call hubby to find out how to get the doggone door open.  I just could not think clearly or rationally.  There is now a wire hanger outside his door for easy access :).

I guess I better go start gathering things for the trip to the in-laws for our Easter celebration, tomorrow we’ll be at my parents all day.  Hope everyone has a Happy Easter!

Small Updates

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I have been trying to work on projects again now that everyone is on the mend.  I spent the afternoon putting binding on some baby quilts for the guild.  These are just pre-quilted pieces of fabric that needed binding so I said I’d take 2.  Granted I brought these home in February and should have finished them already, but that’s ok.  Binding is now attached to 1 side, and I’ll work on sewing it to the back this weekend during all the family travels for Easter. I can return these in April so they can be donated to one of the charities we support.

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I’ve gotten another hexagon diamond done this weekend, I have 3 more and I can start adding the next row. Hoping to have another overall picture by Monday, but I’m not counting on it!  I am planning on working on another diamond tonight, might be able to get it done while I watch tv.

I did manage to get all the squares put together into sets on Sunday afternoon.  So next time I can sit down and work on Wiggly Whimsy I can attach the rectangles on all of them.  I love that this is a SAL, however these rows go together so fast I just can’t wait until the next month to work on it.  So I’m thinking I’ll just work on it in batches when I can and see when I get it done.

We had our taxes done last night and are getting a refund.  Hubby said I can get a Mac mini since my PC is getting older and having issues.  Instead of reformatting everything I’d much rather get something new.  I think we are ordering it tonight, I hope it gets here fast!!!

Wiggly Whimsy – Row 3

I am FINALLY able to sit at the sewing machine and work on a project.  We’ve had a lot of illness in the house the last few weeks and when we weren’t sick we were either packing my sister’s apartment or actually moving her to the house.  The move is all done and while Alex and I are still sick, we are feeling much better!

2013-03-24 16.31.19So while Alex napped today I decided to work on the next row for Wiggly Whimsy.  3 rows are now completed and I can’t wait to see this completed.  I think it’s going to look really cool with the black background. I’m really happy with how this quilt is turning out.  I just finished sorting the rest of the 2.5″ squares into 4 piles for the rest of the rows.  I might see if I can get all of the squares put together tonight – unless the hubby wants to watch shows!  I took a picture of all 3 finished rows together, just looks cool! 2013-03-24 16.32.54

Since I have a lot of projects that I’m working on that are using black as a background, I decided to get a bolt of the black Kona from Joann’s.  A bolt is 8 yards and while it’s 7.99 a yard, I got a discount on the last 3/4 yard since it wasn’t a full yard.  Plus I used a 40% off coupon and paid less $45 for 7+ yards of fabric plus a couple of water soluble markers that I need for my hand quilting.  I shouldn’t need anything else to finish Wiggly Whimsy, and hopefully nothing else for the hexagon diamonds quilt.

I don’t have an update on hexagon diamonds, since I haven’t really been working on it lately.  When I was sick I just didn’t feel like working on any hand work. I was working on the hexi prep during the last guild meeting, and it just sat for a week or 2.  I almost have 1 of the 4 diamonds completed that I need for the next row, hopefully will be putting that all together by the weekend.

I’ll try not to be a stranger anymore, Alex has finally hit the terrible twos and I need the sewing to keep my sanity!

Wiggly Whimsy – Row 2

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So I had some free time over the weekend and decided to work on another row of the Wiggly Whimsy quilt.  It a sew a long and I should wait until next month to work on it, but it’s such easy stitching!  I might just keep working on these as time allows, just because it is so easy to do.  Plus as usual I can’t wait to see what it looks like completed! I need to finish some of these UFO’s and this seems to be such an easy one to finish!  Then it can sit in my to be quilted pile for awhile!  This might be another good one to hand quilt, we’ll see when I get the other ones completed.

Wiggly Whimsy Row 1

Well, I have the first row of the Wiggly Whimsy quilt completed, only took me a couple of hours to do. (Kept having to take care of other things or it wouldn’t have taken me so long!). It was so simple since everything was already cut out!  I can’t wait to see the whole thing put together, I’m really liking the way the black makes all the colors pop, although I knew it would since I have other quilts I’m working with a black background!  I don’t know if I’ll be able to wait until next month to work on the next row, we’ll see what happens since I have a bunch of other quilts I should be working on.


I’m continuing to work on hexagon diamonds and I’ve started hand quilting the next practice piece. I will be concentrating on hexagon diamonds though because I need that one finished before we go camping!  I have a few others that I can work on at the machine while Alex is napping, in fact I’m going to see if I can put one of them together now, it’s been cut out for at least a month.

Wiggly Whimsy Quilt

Well I have everything cut out and ready to go on the Wiggly Whimsy quilt for the QAL over at Terry’s Treasures.  I’m thrilled I got everything cut out using the black fabric I bought since I stole most of it for the Dear Jane Siggie quilt.  It’s unbelievable how quickly I cut it all out using my Accuquilt Go.  I was so glad I bought the machine and even more glad that I got the 2.5″ multiple die.  So now I’m ready for the next step in February, can’t wait to start putting this one together now!

2.5" Squares - Wiggly WhimsyWiggly Whimsy