Wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to get everything done this month! Cassie turned 5 and she had a wonderful birthday weekend. Her first party with friends and I know she had a ball. Sad about the turnout, only 3 of 10 kids invited showed up, but we made it fun anyway.

So I wanted to get all of the O blocks cut out and basted in March. I did do that, and started putting them together as well. 2 are finished, only 10 more to go. Colors look funny on some of them because of the color of the card stock I used. Can’t wait to start putting this together! Cassie keeps asking when her quilt will be done, I guess I need to work on it more than I am already!

The main thing I wanted to get done this month was the first 7 blocks of the Harry Potter QAL over at Seriously I think it needs stitches. The blocks aren’t hard, well except for that car in the Whomping Willow that is. That one took me an entire day to do because I kept putting pieces together wrong and had to recut them and start over. As of today I just need to do 4 more blocks and I’m caught up, wonder if I can do that in the next week or so?
So I’ve been very busy this month sewing, I’m hoping to keep it up and maybe even get some work done on UFO’s. I haven’t touched any of them yet this year. I’m linking up to Elm Street Quilts for completing my March OMG.