Cassie’s Quilt Done!

Cassie’s quilt, started in 2019 is finally finished and on her bed! She’s loving it and keeps saying how cozy and warm it is. The backing is totally pieced together from 3 blocks I picked up from the free table at guild, 2 yards of Effie’s Woods by Deb Strain, a couple of mini charm packs of Effie’s Woods and a regular charm pack of Effie’s Woods. Of course that wasn’t close to enough, so I grabbed a couple of Harry Potter fat quarters to fill in where needed. She loves it so much and I’m really glad to have it off the UFO list!

I was looking at my lists to see what I had to work on. I came across my EPP Party quilt. There’s 13 blocks and I only completed 6 back in 2017 when it was released online. This was a SAL done by Mister Domestic and Pat Bravo in 2017, and the paper pieces were and are still available at I realized that with all the EPP projects I have in progress and new ones I’d really like to do, I just wasn’t going to get back to doing this one. So I put the 6 blocks together and used some of the 2.5″ batik strips to make a bigger border. It’s completed quilted and bound and ready to be donated to Community Service at the next guild meeting.

With these 2 now completed and off the list, 10 items are now crossed off my to-do list. 50% quilts and 50% cross stitch! I spent the last few days working on a cross stitch for my sister’s wedding. I asked if I could make the ring pillow for her and while it’s not in pillow form yet, she does love it so far! I’ll get the pillow completed in the next week or so, I’m not worried yet 🙂 It’s hard to tell but I did use Kimberly’s Light Pink 14-count aida from Fat Quarter Shop, my sister is a pink girl! Now I need to find the right pink for a little border around the stitching so I have somewhere to stitch a ribbon down for the rings, plus the back of it.

I’ll be back soon, I pulled out an old EPP hexagon project after I finished the cross stitch yesterday. I swear I blogged about it before, but I couldn’t find it last night. So I need to document the project!

Design Wall Monday 08/07/17

I’ve been slowly working on blocks for the #EPPParty and finished block 7 over the weekend. Block 8 is released today and I’ll have to start working on that this week. I have 2 quilts all basted and ready to quilt and I’m finishing up the binding on a Quilts of Valor quilt I brought home from the last meeting.  School will be starting soon and I hope be to able to spend a little more time working on projects!

I’ve also had to put handwork to the side recently because I needed to get a wedding gift completed. It was delivered to the groom last week, so I can post about it now. We didn’tgo to the wedding because it was out of the country and there was just no way we could go, but we did still want to give them a gift. So I stitched up my usual wedding gift, a small cross stitch piece in a frame with space for a wedding picture. The groom loved it, so I’m happy!

Linking up to Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.

Weather Wednesday 07-19-17

I’ve been working on my hexie blocks for the temperature quilt, but it’s slow going. I spent some time to sort through 2.5″ squares and gather the weeks together so they are ready when I have time to work on them. Linking up to Sarah did it!

EPP Party block 3

EPP Party block 5

The other reason it’s slow going is because I have too many EPP projects! I’ve been concentrating this week on getting caught up on the EPPParty blocks. Blocks 3 and 5 are now done, and I’m currently working on Block 4. Just one more block after that and I’m caught up – but Block 7 is going to be released on Monday! I have the next pack of EPP papers coming, had a sale so I ordered!

I’m still trying to work on Dear Jane EPP and Hexie Insanity, but we’ve been traveling a lot and I just haven’t worked on them. I’ve also participated in some more hexie swaps on Instagram, I have a lot of blocks to put together!

Drank the Kool Aid

EPPParty Block 2 052017Yeah I know, I drank the Kool Aid again. I mentioned last post that I joined #EPPParty, block 2 is finished and I just got all of block 1 hexies basted so I can figure out layout for those. The next block is released when we are on vacation, so I’ll have to try and catch up when we get back.

Temp hexie quilt 052417I know I mentioned in the last post that I didn’t have time for another hexie project. Yet I caved and started the temperature hexie quilt! I have week 1’s rosette ready to applique down and I’m working on finishing up week 2’s rosette. As I have time I’ll pull the fabrics and work on these, maybe with summer break starting on Friday (!) I’ll have a little more time for sewing, Alex and Cassie can play together and won’t need me (yeah right!). I will be ONLY pulling from the 2.5″ scrap bin for these rosettes, so the colors might change from block to block. I’m using a little bit of a different color scheme from Sarah, we don’t normally get to 100° plus I really don’t like brown all that much 🙂

  • 90 Red
  • 80-89 Yellow
  • 70-79 Orange
  • 60-69 Green
  • 50-59 Dark Green
  • 40-49 Blue
  • 30-39 Dark Blue
  • 20-29 Dark Purple
  • 10-19 Light Purple
  • 0-9 Light Pink
  • < 0 WOW (White on White)

Alex graduation 052217In other news, we now have a Kindergarten graduate! His official last day of school is tomorrow, but there was a little ceremony at school Monday and we are just SO proud of him and all he has accomplished in the last year! Cassie wouldn’t stay out of the picture, I actually wanted one with just Alex and I, but that’s the life of a mom! 🙂


eppparty block 1 050817.jpgDid I really need to cut 2.5″ squares today for a new project? Heck no! *sigh* Alex said I should start another new project – and why did I listen to my 6 year old son? Because it’s hexies (at least this block) and it’s EPP. I couldn’t decide what fabric to use, I was thinking about just using my 2.5″ scrap bin, then I saw a jelly roll set I bought awhile ago at a guild meeting from a vendor. I haven’t used many batiks in the past, so hopefully this will be easy to use with EPP.

I’m trying to get hexies basted for a Halloween Hexie swap I’m in, and I really need to be working on the secret projects for Mother’s Day – fabric is pulled for those and I hope to get all the work done tomorrow since some of them NEED to be shipped by Wednesday.

Time for bed, I can’t stay awake any longer!