Well, I prepped 4 applique blocks on Saturday and managed to finish all 4 of them yesterday while watching movies with my hubby. I’m not 100% happy with the applique, but I can always redo them later if I want. Off to go work on more blocks!

And any other craftiness I can come up with!
Well, I prepped 4 applique blocks on Saturday and managed to finish all 4 of them yesterday while watching movies with my hubby. I’m not 100% happy with the applique, but I can always redo them later if I want. Off to go work on more blocks!
I’ve continued to make some progress on my Dear Jane blocks – up to 15 blocks and 272 pieces! I received the 3 packs from the shop as replacements for what I was short on, so I’ve been working on some of those blocks today. I’m also prepping applique blocks so I can work on them tomorrow while we watch movies. At this rate, it shouldn’t take me too long to finish the quilt! 🙂 Yeah right!
I’ve been busy the last few days….I’m now up to 11 blocks completed! I have heard from the shop where I get my BOM and they are going to send me the first 3 packs again – hopefully I’ll get it soon – I can’t work on anymore of row A without it! I’m really enjoying working on these. I’ve noticed that on some of the blocks the piecing is perfect – which if you know me, you’d know I just don’t do! I’m known for making blocks fit together at the end 🙂 Off to decide the next block!
I’ve completed another couple of blocks – I started them yesterday though! I’m not too thrilled with the first applique one (D-3), I did needle-turn applique and boy am I not good at it! The next applique block will be done differently, maybe it will turn out better. I can always redo them if I have to!
Well, I’ve completed 2 more blocks so far today, and I’m getting another ready for applique. I’m not very good at it, we’ll see how it comes out! I’m not happy that the fabric I have been getting isn’t enough for some of the blocks. I’ve written an email to the shop I’m getting the BOM from each month, we’ll see what they want to do about fixing the problem. I have 3 packets (blocks A1-B5) that I just don’t have enough fabric to do some of the blocks. There’s no way I can do the applique ones, the block is supposed to be 5″ and by the time I get done doing the applique it would be shrunk too much to fit with the other blocks! Here’s the blocks I completed so far today!
I have FINALLY started my Dear Jane quilt! I’ve been getting the fabric monthly since the beginning of the year – and just haven’t felt like working on it. Partly because I’m not sure they are sending enough fabric – or I just haven’t figured out the right way to cut it out yet! So I’m going to find all the easy blocks and do those first, then I’ll start working on the harder ones. Most people seem to be hand piecing them. I don’t have the patience for that – I’ll do mine by machine – at least as many as I can. There is a link to the right to see my progress – I found this template on the Dear Jane site, it will show each of my blocks in it’s correct position as I get them done. It also shows at the top of the page how many blocks, triangles, kites (the corners) and total number of pieces. There are 169 squares, 52 triangles, 4 kites and 5,602 pieces in this quilt. We’ll see how long it takes! 🙂 Here’s the 3 I have finished so far!