I know, I haven’t been around lately. I’ve been busy! We now have an 18 month old, and man is he active. He never stops! I mentioned last time that I joined a SAL on Facebook. I have all 4 words done, just have to do all the beading which is totally new for me. I think I need to get a beading needle, I found some that might work, I just need to try them. If not I’ll go to Joann’s after Alex’s 18 month Dr appt and get some. I don’t have pictures yet, I hope to have some this week as I finish the beading.
I now have all of my Dear Jane Siggie Swap blocks done, I just need to stamp and sign them all. Had to make 50 blocks!! When I get a chance I’ll have to start designing the layout, I should have them all back sometime in the beginning of May because they are due to the coordinator by May 1st.
While I was finishing up my siggie swap blocks today I was looking at the pile of 2.5″ squares on my sewing table. I have a basket of colors and was going to buy another basket for the white/lights. I also have a basket for 1.5″ strips and 2.5″ strips. I decided today that since I never use the 2.5″ strips and might not ever, I’d rather use my 2.5″ square die for my Go and cut them all into squares. Since I’m working on the Hexagon quilt using the 2.5″ squares, this will give me some more variety. I actually threw some strips away, I don’t know where they came from and the fabric was just so thin I didn’t like how it felt. I got everything ironed and waiting on the cutting table, hopefully I can get it all cut up in the next day or so.
I’m working on adding the next row to the hexagon quilt, hoping to have that done tonight so I can get a picture. I have the next row of flowers done, just need to get some white squares prepped, I’ll have lots of papers for them once I get the row added.
See you soon!