I haven’t been able to post lately, because I haven’t had anything to write about! I finally got the next row on my hexagon quilt, I’m up to 5 rows and have 3 left to do. I finally got some more Thimble-It stick on thimbles, so I can start working on that again.

I joined a group on Facebook that is doing a SAL (stitch a long). The chart is Joan Elliott’s Dream – 1 of a set of 4. I’ve been keeping up quite well and decided that since I could get the book at the library I’d do all 4 of them. I’m using a 28 ct Jobelan called Summer Sky. I’ve got Hope caught up to match Dream and I’ve started Believe. I can’t believe how fast these are working up, even on 28 ct fabric! I’ve always worked on regular aida and using anything else has been harder since I’m doing 2 over 2. I really do like how they are turning out though!

I got my package from Nicole at Just Keep Stitching today. The lavender smells wonderful, but it’s so strong I had to put it in another ziploc bag and get it out of my office. I’m thinking of planting in my flower beds, anyone know if it will spread?? She also sent along a pack of flower seeds, can’t wait to get those in the flower beds too! Thanks Nicole!

I decided that I was going to join the Dear Jane Siggie Swap this year. I’ve been working on putting together the blocks today, I have 16 ready to be signed and another 20 ready to be put together. We haven’t gotten the final count yet, I’m hoping it’s not much more than 36! 🙂 I’ll post a picture when I get them done. I’m looking forward to putting the quilt together once we get all the blocks, haven’t decided how I want to do it yet though. The block is really easy, it’s just a 3.5″ square for the center in a light fabric so you can write on it and 4 triangles around that. I had a huge stack of 4.5″ squares I cut from scraps with my Go, so I just had to cut them in half. I just had to buy some light fabric for the centers, and I picked up Kona White the other day. One of these days I’m thinking of buying a bolt of Kona white or Moda white solid….course I need some money for that!! 🙂
Hope to post more soon!!