Well, I’ve been busy this week! I posted on Monday that I started a new quilt, it’s now done! Here’s my question though, does it need another border? It’s about 36″ x 36″ and I’m only planning on using it as a quilt in the car, for Alex or if we go on a picnic or something. I won’t be quilting it until I get my new stencils – and I don’t know when that will be since my order says Pending on the site! It went together very quickly and I love that I used fabrics from the stash, NOTHING new was bought!
I’ve been thinking about my next hexagon quilt this week and I think I’ve got it designed the way I want it. The example I found on PaperPieces.com has the diamonds vertically, but I think I like them on their sides. None of the colors in the EQ version match what I’m actually going to use, since I’ll be pulling from the 2.5″ square bin to make all the diamonds. I think I’ll do all the diamonds and then put them together with the white, or at least I’ll see how far I get with the hexi papers I already have printed out! I’ve figured I need 59 full diamonds and 12 half diamonds and this one will finish at 79″ x 85″. Huge for me! I just checked sizes and it looks like that might be large enough to fit our king size bed! I’d have to put big enough borders to hang down the sides, although I might put it on the bed in the guest room. It’ll be awhile before it’s finished, so I guess it doesn’t matter right now!
I was playing with EQ today while Alex played and hubby was busy on his laptop and learned some new things. I didn’t realize that you could create a quilt layout from a block! Here’s the caveat though, the block can only have horizontal and vertical lines – no diagonals or it won’t work. I also figured out how to break blocks apart in Word so that you can show how to make a block, that’s cool! I did find something I’m disappointed in though, I created the new hexagon quilt in EQ on my mac (using software called VirtualBox to run windows) and created it in a new project. I can move blocks, layouts (uncolored), photos, fabrics into another project but not colored quilts! I wanted to move the new quilt into my hexagon project, that sucker took a long time to color in! Oh well, maybe in the next version?
Well, I’m off to start working on the new hexagon quilt, I think I’ll print out some more papers, I think I’ll need them!