I’m waiting for the end of the Cavs game, I just have to finish watching it before bed! I just spent the evening working on cutting 2.5″ squares for the Wiggly Whimsy quilt and using those same fabrics for kitting up more diamonds for my hexi diamonds quilt. I only need 9 more kits of diamonds and everything will be ready for the whole quilt. Well, not the whole quilt because I will still need to get more black for the pathways between the diamonds. I’ve decided that I’m going to put the Cavs cross stitch away for awhile (once I finish the page) and concentrate on the hexi diamonds quilt for awhile. I’m also figuring on this being a good choice for taking camping, since everything is already kitted up it’ll be nice to work on at night or even during the day if we aren’t doing anything else.
The directions for the Wiggly Whimsy quilt say to cut a charm square into quarters so you’ll have 4 of the same squares in the quilt. I’ve taken that to an extreme and I’m only using 1 piece in the quilt. I will not have any matching 2.5″ squares in the quilt. I’ve got 130 sitting here, I just need to find 18 more unique squares. I think I’ll be able to pull from my 4.5″ cut squares to find what I need and I won’t need to cut into my yardage. I absolutely love that I was able to cut so many fabrics tonight using my Accuquilt Go – I never would have been able to get all this done just using the rotary cutter. I have TONS of black to cut for this quilt, not sure if I’ll work on that tomorrow or not. But I will definitely be finishing off the colored squares.
Hubby did help me get the cubes put together, his part was easy putting the casters on. We checked in the garage and garage attic and don’t have any pieces of wood large enough to use for the top, I’ll need to go to Home Depot this week and have a piece cut.
No pictures tonight, I’ll take some of my 148 colored 2.5″ squares tomorrow when they are all cut.