I think I mentioned recently that I was going to try and work to finish my hexie diamonds quilt top so I can get it quilted to use next year camping. Well, I just finished another row and I only have 2 rows and black fill-in hexies to go! I really do love how it looks, but I might need to put a black border on it to finish the edges off before binding. I’ll have to think about this a little more.
We’ve been pretty busy lately getting ready for the holiday and having fun with the extended family. My brother-in-law and his kids came up for the holiday, so the last 3 days have been spent at the MIL’s with them. It’s been really nice seeing Alex play with his cousins again. He doesn’t want them to leave, and I wish they lived closer too!!!!
Oh well, off the computer and headed to work on my crochet. I’ve asked for a how-to knitting kit for Xmas and I’m pretty sure the hubby got it for me. I’ve always wanted to learn to knit, and now seems the right time. Besides I retaught myself how to crochet before Alex was born so I could make him a blanket. Now I can teach myself how to knit and make baby girl a blanket!