I can’t believe it’s been so long since I posted last. Since March I haven’t done much sewing at all. I’ve been spending a lot of time working on embroidery, things for family and orders, and I spent a lot of time at school towards the end of the school year. Both kids did wonderful the last few months of the year, Cassie graduated preschool and Alex has finished 2nd grade and is moving on to 3rd. He ended the year reading at an almost 6th grade level! Cassie hasn’t even started kindergarten yet and she can already read full books to herself! I’ve been doing lots of reading, while camping, at home and on our annual Virginia trip.

With just a little bit of time at home before our next trip, I decided I wanted to get something sewn this week. Over the last few days I’ve been cutting out the pieces needed to make another of the Harry Potter blocks, today I got the wand put together. This was a pretty easy one to do and I figured I had better start with something easy to get back into it. I was able to get a couple more bow tie blocks put together as leader and enders while working on this, I’m now up to 119 bow ties and I think for the design I want to do I need 128 bow ties. Just a few more to go!

Since we are going on vacation again I decided that I’m going to concentrate on hexie insanity exclusively for this trip. I have a big bag of prepped diamonds and flowers, they just need basted and put together. Between the long flight to California and back and time while visiting I think I might be able to work on these at least a little. I’ve been working on a cross stitch project at night, need to get that finished for a wedding gift – the wedding already happened and there’s going to be a party at a later date to celebrate but I still need to get the gift done! Hopefully by the time I get back from vacation I’ll have some more to show and maybe I can get another HP block put together before we leave, but I doubt that!