So last night I finished the last block in Row A, A12. I was quite happy with how it turned out and it went really fast. So I started right in and worked on adding the sashing and cornerstones and attaching it to the rest of the row. I’m happy to say that Row A is completely done! I need to start taking the papers out and I want to label each piece as I take them out in case I decide to make another one of these in the future! Since I figured I’d finish the row last night I spent a little bit of time yesterday afternoon working on prepping the next 2 blocks of Row B. They both look to be easy blocks, in fact the first one is applique and should go pretty fast. I’ll have to see if I can prep the sashing and cornerstones today so that it’s all ready for the blocks. I like putting them all on as I go, so I don’t have to do it all at the end. Looking at the rest of Row B, I hope I can get them done quickly and get started on Row C so I can catch up before the next row gets here. I think the hardest part is picking out the fabrics for the blocks! I have so many Moda Marbles to use that it’s hard to decide what I want to use for each block. I just started signups for the Fat Quarter Exchange at guild and I have requested Moda Marbles, so maybe I can get some more colors to use! I now have 2 quilts that I’m using these fabrics for, the Dear Jane EPP and my hexagon insanity quilt. I’ve been so busy with Dear Jane that I haven’t worked on hexie insanity in awhile. If I can get caught up then I’ll have time to work on that again.
Linking up to Design Wall Monday at Patchwork Times.