I know I have too many things going right now, but I miss doing my hexies! In the last 2 weeks I’ve been working hard on my knitting and I’ve gotten the first repeat completed. I will continue to work on it, but I need something else to work on as well. Otherwise my hands/arms are going to get too tired and sore of doing the same thing over and over again. So yesterday I cut out 2″ x 2″ squares from 2 charms packs and I now have about 336 squares ready for use. Only took me about 15 minutes to cut them out with my studio since I bought the 2″ square die awhile ago. I already have 1 diamond done and I’m working on the first flower today. I’m using Moda Marbles fabrics, I love how they look and think the whole quilt will look awesome with all the marble/tone on tone fabrics! I have another quilt that is in process using Moda Marbles, I need to finish the borders so I can cut that fabric up for this project.
Tonight is my EQ class, I did my lessons yesterday and printed them out, so I’ve been able to relax this afternoon and work on hexies! Hopefully I’ll be back soon with some finishes, I have to finish Cassie’s wall quilt for the quilt show and I’m hoping I can get the Hexie Diamonds one done for the show, but time is running out and I need to get the border on it and get it quilted. Hopefully Cassie will nap nicely tomorrow morning while Alex is at school and I can get her quilt bordered, layered and maybe even start quilting it.