It’s been busy around here lately, but I have managed to get all the half and full diamonds completed for the next row. I’ve started to sew them to the main piece and hope to have it done before the weekend, I don’t want to take this big thing camping! I was going to work on it last night after Alex went to bed, but my fingers got slammed in the car door and now 3 finger tips are bruised and hurt. Hoping to work on it soon! I have the next row all prepped and plan on taking them with me, I should be able to work on it at night when Alex is asleep. I’m determined to finish this quilt so I can enter it in the Guild quilt show in October, but that means I have to have it completed (together and quilted) by the end of September. If I can finish it soon, it’ll be just over a year since I started it. I posted about designing it here, and that was last June. I had a lot of start and stops last fall though since I was working on presents for people, and that was all cross stitch. I’ll probably only work on cross stitch and hand quilting when this quilt is finished, I need a break from hexagons! But if I had to guess, the break won’t last long!
Hexie Diamonds Update