I’ve been hard at work on my hexagon diamonds quilt. I now have all the diamonds that are put together sewn into 1 piece. It is getting to the point where I have to stand on a chair and hold the camera over my head (almost!) to get a picture of the whole thing. I don’t know what I’ll do when it gets more rows added on! I’m busy working on all the half diamonds so they are ready when it’s time to add them in, and with making more black hexis. Won’t be able to add diamonds until there are black pathways. I’m hoping to have enough black made that as I put a diamond in I can add the black pathway as well. I’ve set myself a deadline of March 31st, don’t know if it will be ready for quilting by then or not. Right now this is the only project I am working on by hand. I hope to work on more machine work during the day when Alex is napping, the next one I hope to finish is the hubby’s
birthday Christmas present. I’ll explain once I finish it!
We spend a lot of time sitting on the floor playing with Alex and I keep forgetting to get a pillow form when I’m at Joann’s, when they are on sale and I’m there I can’t remember what the size is I need, and when I’m at home and can get the size I never remember! A couple of years ago I used triangle scraps (I think I cut them with the Go Value Die) and made this pillow cover. Since I had pulled out a high loft batting for the ironing table and never used it and I know I probably won’t use it in a quilt since I don’t like mine that thick, I decided to fold it as needed and use that as my pillow form. It’s not perfect, but better than spending a ton of money on a pillow form! Alex loves to lay on it and watch tv, although we’ve decided to start limiting how much tv he gets to watch. He’s turning into a couch potato!