I’ve been working hard the last week on my hexagon quilt. Every night after Alex goes to bed I can sit and watch basketball and/or shows with my husband and work on it. I have a very small section left and I will be halfway done. I stopped last week at my favorite quilt shop Anna’s Sewing Center and picked up 5 1/4 yards of white on white. The white sections were starting to look the same, I needed some more variety. Hoping to get the last section put together tonight while we watch tv and either get it added on tonight or tomorrow while Alex plays. Then I need to start working on more flowers! The picture is a little blurry, I took it with my iphone and was trying to keep the dog and Alex off of it. It is so large I can’t get the picture on my sewing table anymore, it has to go on the floor.

Head over to Patchwork Times to see what everyone else is up to.